A library for working with phylogenetic and population genetic data.
window_average.hpp File Reference

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 Container namespace for all symbols of genesis in order to keep them separate when used as a library.


enum  WindowAveragePolicy {
  kWindowLength, kAvailableLoci, kValidLoci, kValidSnps,
  kSum, kProvidedLoci
 Select the method to use for computing window averages of statistic estimators. More...


template<class D >
size_t get_window_length (BaseWindow< D > const &window)
 Get the length of a given Window. More...
template<class D >
size_t get_window_provided_loci_count (BaseWindow< D > const &window, std::shared_ptr< GenomeLocusSet > provided_loci)
 Get the count of provided loci in a window. More...
template<class D >
double window_average_denominator (WindowAveragePolicy policy, BaseWindow< D > const &window, std::shared_ptr< GenomeLocusSet > provided_loci, VariantFilterStats const &variant_filter_stats, SampleCountsFilterStats const &sample_counts_filter_stats)
 Get the denoninator to use for averaging an estimator across a window. More...