A library for working with phylogenetic and population genetic data.
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef GENESIS_POPULATION_FILTER_SAMPLE_COUNTS_FILTER_H_
44 #include <type_traits>
48 namespace population {
323 #endif // include guard
@ kAboveDeletionsCountLimit
Too many deletions at the position.
@ kMaskedRegion
Position is part of a masked region.
@ kPassed
SampleCounts has passed all filters.
Policy helper to decide how to treat filtered SampleCounts.
@ kNumeric
Any of the numeric variant filters failed.
std::ostream & print_sample_counts_filter_stats(std::ostream &os, SampleCountsFilterStats const &stats, bool verbose)
Print a textual representation of the counts collected.
@ kAboveMaxReadDepth
Sum of counts across all nucleotide counts is above the max read depth threshold.
List of filter categories for a SampleCounts.
SampleCountsFilterCategoryStats sample_counts_filter_stats_category_counts(SampleCountsFilterStats const &stats)
Generate summary counts for a SampleCountsFilterStats counter.
@ kBelowMinReadDepth
Sum of counts across all nucleotide counts is below the min read depth threshold.
@ kPassed
Sample has passed all filters.
std::ostream & print_sample_counts_filter_category_stats(std::ostream &os, SampleCountsFilterCategoryStats const &stats, bool verbose)
@ kEmpty
Zero nucleotide counts, after zeroing out counts based on the min_count and max_count.
@ kInvalid
Generic indicator that the sample is invalid.
Container namespace for all symbols of genesis in order to keep them separate when used as a library.
@ kNotPassed
Generic indicator that the sample has not passed a filter.
@ kNotSnp
Invariant position, not a SNP.
@ kMasked
Position is masked.
Counts of how many entries with a particular Filter Tag occured in some data.
@ kEnd
End of the enum values.
@ kMissingInvalid
Position is missing or otherwise invalid.
@ kMaskedPosition
Position has been masked out from processing.
@ kMissing
Position is missing in the input data.
SampleCountsFilterTagCategory sample_counts_filter_tag_to_category(SampleCountsFilterTag tag)
For a given tag, return its category tag.
@ kNotBiallelicSnp
SNP position, but not biallelic, i.e., has more than one alternative.