A library for working with phylogenetic and population genetic data.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Genesis - A toolkit for working with phylogenetic data.
3  Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Lucas Czech and HITS gGmbH
5  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  Contact:
19  Lucas Czech <lucas.czech@h-its.org>
20  Exelixis Lab, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
21  Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, D-69118 Heidelberg, Germany
22 */
35 #include <algorithm>
36 #include <cassert>
37 #include <cctype>
38 #include <cstdio>
39 #include <iomanip>
40 #include <iostream>
41 #include <limits>
42 #include <sstream>
43 #include <stdexcept>
45 #ifdef GENESIS_AVX
46  #include <immintrin.h>
47 #endif
49 namespace genesis {
50 namespace utils {
52 // =================================================================================================
53 // Compare
54 // =================================================================================================
56 bool contains_ci( std::vector<std::string> const& haystack, std::string const& needle )
57 {
58  auto const l_needle = to_lower( needle );
59  for( auto const& val : haystack ) {
60  if( to_lower( val ) == l_needle ) {
61  return true;
62  }
63  }
64  return false;
65 }
67 bool equals_ci( std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs)
68 {
69  const size_t sz = lhs.size();
70  if( rhs.size() != sz ) {
71  return false;
72  }
73  for( size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i ) {
74  if( tolower( lhs[i] ) != tolower( rhs[i] ) ) {
75  return false;
76  }
77  }
78  return true;
79 }
81 bool starts_with( std::string const & text, std::string const & start )
82 {
83  if (start.size() > text.size()) {
84  return false;
85  }
86  return std::equal( start.begin(), start.end(), text.begin() );
87 }
89 bool ends_with( std::string const & text, std::string const & ending )
90 {
91  if (ending.size() > text.size()) {
92  return false;
93  }
94  return std::equal( ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), text.rbegin() );
95 }
97 bool match_wildcards( std::string const& str, std::string const& pattern )
98 {
99  // Code adapted from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/wildcard-pattern-matching/
101  // The empty pattern can only match with the empty string
102  if( pattern.empty() ) {
103  return str.empty();
104  }
106  // Lookup table for dynamic programming approach of subproblem solutions, and init to zero.
107  // We use a vec of bool, and a lambda for access as if it was a matrix.
108  auto lookup_ = std::vector<bool>(( str.size() + 1 ) * ( pattern.size() + 1 ), false);
109  auto lookup = [&]( size_t i, size_t j ) -> std::vector<bool>::reference {
110  return lookup_[ i * ( pattern.size() + 1 ) + j ];
111  };
113  // The empty pattern can match with empty string
114  lookup( 0, 0 ) = true;
116  // Only '*' can match with empty string
117  for( size_t j = 1; j <= pattern.size(); j++ ) {
118  if( pattern[j - 1] == '*' ) {
119  lookup( 0, j ) = lookup( 0, j - 1 );
120  }
121  }
123  // Fill the table in bottom-up fashion
124  for( size_t i = 1; i <= str.size(); i++ ) {
125  for( size_t j = 1; j <= pattern.size(); j++ ) {
126  if( pattern[j - 1] == '*' ) {
128  // Two cases if we see a '*':
129  // a) We ignore ‘*’ character and move to next character in the pattern,
130  // i.e., ‘*’ indicates an empty sequence.
131  // b) '*' character matches with ith character in input
132  lookup( i, j ) = lookup( i, j - 1 ) || lookup( i - 1, j );
134  } else if( pattern[j - 1] == '?' || str[i - 1] == pattern[j - 1] )
136  // Current characters are considered as matching in two cases:
137  // (a) current character of pattern is '?'
138  // (b) characters actually match
139  lookup( i, j ) = lookup( i - 1, j - 1 );
141  else {
143  // If characters don't match
144  lookup( i, j ) = false;
145  }
146  }
147  }
149  return lookup( str.size(), pattern.size() );
150 }
152 int compare_natural( std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs )
153 {
154  // Implementation inspired by http://www.davekoelle.com/files/alphanum.hpp
155  // Released under the MIT License - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
156  // We however heavily modified it, in particular to work with arbitrary runs of digits.
158  // Edge cases of empty strings.
159  if( lhs.empty() || rhs.empty() ) {
160  // Smart! Let's avoid to do all three cases, and instead convert to int (0 or 1):
161  // * lhs empty, but rhs not: 0 - 1 = -1
162  // * rhs empty, but lhs not: 1 - 0 = +1
163  // * both empty: 1 - 1 = 0
164  return static_cast<int>( rhs.empty() ) - static_cast<int>( lhs.empty() );
165  }
167  // We need to switch between modes. Clear semantics instead of just a bool.
168  enum class ParseMode
169  {
170  kString,
171  kNumber
172  };
173  auto mode = ParseMode::kString;
175  // Helper function to parse a string into an unsigned number, quickly.
176  // Advances the given pos while parsing, until either the end of the string or no more digits.
177  // --> not used, as it can only handle numbers up to the size of unsigned long...
178  // auto parse_unsigned_number_ = []( std::string const& str, size_t& pos ){
179  // unsigned long num = 0;
180  // while( pos < str.size() && is_digit( str[pos] )) {
181  // auto dig = str[pos] - '0';
182  // if( num > ( std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - dig ) / 10 ) {
183  // // This is ugly, and a proper solution would be to take string lengths into
184  // // account, but that would probably require to fully load them, and then compare...
185  // throw std::overflow_error( "Numerical overflow in compare_natural()" );
186  // }
187  // num = 10 * num + dig;
188  // ++pos;
189  // }
190  // return num;
191  // };
193  // Iterate positions in the strings.
194  size_t l = 0;
195  size_t r = 0;
196  while( l < lhs.size() && r < rhs.size() ) {
197  if( mode == ParseMode::kString ) {
199  // Iterate as long as there are strings/chars in both.
200  while( l < lhs.size() && r < rhs.size() ) {
202  // Check if these are digits.
203  bool const l_digit = is_digit( lhs[l] );
204  bool const r_digit = is_digit( rhs[r] );
206  // If both are digits, we continue in number mode.
207  if( l_digit && r_digit ) {
208  mode = ParseMode::kNumber;
209  break;
210  }
212  // If only one of them is a digit, we have a result.
213  if( l_digit ) {
214  return -1;
215  }
216  if( r_digit ) {
217  return +1;
218  }
220  // Neither is a digit, so compare as ASCII chars; if they differ, we have a result.
221  assert( ! l_digit && ! r_digit );
222  int const diff = static_cast<int>( lhs[l] ) - static_cast<int>( rhs[r] );
223  if( diff != 0 ) {
224  return diff;
225  }
227  // Otherwise, process the next character.
228  ++l;
229  ++r;
230  }
232  } else {
233  assert( mode == ParseMode::kNumber );
235  // Here, a first idea was to parse both strings as numbers for as long as they contain
236  // digits, and then compare the resulting numbers. However, this overflows for larger
237  // numbers, and we can easily avoid that by an equally simple solution. We might need
238  // to iterate the digits twice, but save the effort of actually building the numbers!
239  // (see above parse_unsigned_number_() for the parsing function that we first had)
241  // Parse the strings as long as they contain digits, advancing helper indices here.
242  size_t ld = l;
243  size_t rd = r;
244  while( ld < lhs.size() && is_digit( lhs[ld] )) {
245  ++ld;
246  }
247  while( rd < rhs.size() && is_digit( rhs[rd] )) {
248  ++rd;
249  }
251  // If the lengths of digit runs differ, one of them is a larger number than the other.
252  // In that case, we have a result.
253  if( ld != rd ) {
254  return static_cast<int>( ld ) - static_cast<int>( rd );
255  }
257  // If those numbers are the same length, we need to iterate again,
258  // and check digit by digit. Iterate as long as there are digits in both.
259  while( l < lhs.size() && r < rhs.size() ) {
261  // Check if these are digits.
262  bool const l_digit = is_digit( lhs[l] );
263  bool const r_digit = is_digit( rhs[r] );
265  // If there are no more digits, we continue in string mode.
266  if( ! l_digit || ! r_digit ) {
267  // In that case, both have to be not digits, as we just checked same length
268  // of the digit run, and both have to be the same as our previous iteration.
269  assert( ! l_digit && ! r_digit );
270  assert( ld == rd && l == ld && r == rd );
271  mode = ParseMode::kString;
272  break;
273  }
275  // Compare the digits as ASCII chars; if they differ, we have a result.
276  assert( l_digit && r_digit );
277  int const diff = static_cast<int>( lhs[l] ) - static_cast<int>( rhs[r] );
278  if( diff != 0 ) {
279  return diff;
280  }
282  // Otherwise, process the next character.
283  ++l;
284  ++r;
285  }
286  }
287  }
289  // Lastly, if we are here, both strings are identical up to the point to which the were compared.
290  // So now, remaining lenghts checks. Only if everything is identical, return 0.
291  if( l < lhs.size() ) {
292  assert( r == rhs.size() );
293  return +1;
294  }
295  if( r < rhs.size() ) {
296  assert( l == lhs.size() );
297  return -1;
298  }
299  assert( l == lhs.size() && r == rhs.size() );
300  return 0;
301 }
303 // =================================================================================================
304 // Substrings
305 // =================================================================================================
307 std::string head( std::string const& text, size_t lines )
308 {
309  // Not totally efficient, but works for now.
310  auto vec = split( text, "\n", false );
311  size_t remove = vec.size() > lines ? vec.size() - lines : 0;
312  vec.erase( vec.end() - remove, vec.end() );
313  return join( vec, "\n" );
314 }
316 std::string tail( std::string const& text, size_t lines )
317 {
318  // Not totally efficient, but works for now.
319  auto vec = split( text, "\n", false );
320  size_t remove = vec.size() > lines ? vec.size() - lines : 0;
321  vec.erase( vec.begin(), vec.begin() + remove );
322  return join( vec, "\n" );
323 }
325 // =================================================================================================
326 // Find and Count
327 // =================================================================================================
329 size_t count_substring_occurrences( std::string const& str, std::string const& sub )
330 {
331  if (sub.length() == 0) {
332  return 0;
333  }
335  size_t count = 0;
336  for(
337  size_t offset = str.find(sub);
338  offset != std::string::npos;
339  offset = str.find( sub, offset + 1 )
340  ) {
341  ++count;
342  }
344  return count;
345 }
350 static std::vector<std::string> split_ (
351  std::string const& string,
352  std::function<size_t ( std::string const&, size_t )> find_pos,
353  size_t advance_by,
354  const bool trim_empty
355 ) {
356  std::vector<std::string> result;
358  size_t last_pos = 0;
359  while( true ) {
360  // Find first matching char.
361  size_t pos = find_pos( string, last_pos );
363  // If not found, push back rest and stop.
364  if( pos == std::string::npos ) {
365  pos = string.length();
367  if( pos != last_pos || !trim_empty ) {
368  result.push_back( std::string( string.data() + last_pos, pos - last_pos ));
369  }
371  break;
373  // If found, push back and continue.
374  } else {
375  if( pos != last_pos || !trim_empty ) {
376  result.push_back( std::string( string.data() + last_pos, pos - last_pos ));
377  }
378  }
380  last_pos = pos + advance_by;
381  }
383  return result;
384 }
386 std::vector<std::string> split (
387  std::string const& str,
388  std::string const& delimiters,
389  const bool trim_empty
390 ) {
391  return split_(
392  str,
393  [&]( std::string const& str, size_t last_pos ){
394  return str.find_first_of( delimiters, last_pos );
395  },
396  1,
397  trim_empty
398  );
399 }
401 std::vector<std::string> split (
402  std::string const& str,
403  std::function<bool(char)> delimiter_predicate,
404  const bool trim_empty
405 ) {
406  return split_(
407  str,
408  [&]( std::string const& str, size_t last_pos ){
409  // Find first matching char.
410  size_t pos = std::string::npos;
411  for( size_t i = last_pos; i < str.size(); ++i ) {
412  if( delimiter_predicate( str[i] ) ) {
413  pos = i;
414  break;
415  }
416  }
417  return pos;
418  },
419  1,
420  trim_empty
421  );
422 }
424 std::vector<std::string> split_at (
425  std::string const& str,
426  std::string const& delimiter,
427  const bool trim_empty
428 ) {
429  return split_(
430  str,
431  [&]( std::string const& str, size_t last_pos ){
432  return str.find( delimiter, last_pos );
433  },
434  delimiter.size(),
435  trim_empty
436  );
437 }
439 std::vector<size_t> split_range_list( std::string const& str )
440 {
441  std::vector<size_t> result;
443  auto is_digits = []( std::string const& s ){
444  return trim( s ).find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) == std::string::npos;
445  };
447  auto get_number = []( std::string const& s ){
448  size_t n;
449  sscanf( trim( s ).c_str(), "%zu", &n );
450  return n;
451  };
453  if( trim( str ).empty() ) {
454  return result;
455  }
457  auto const lst = split( str, "," );
458  for( auto const& le : lst ) {
459  // if just digits, done. if not, split -, repeat.
460  if( is_digits( le ) ) {
461  result.push_back( get_number( le ));
462  } else {
463  auto const rng = split( le, "-" );
464  if( rng.size() != 2 || ! is_digits( rng[0] ) || ! is_digits( rng[1] ) ) {
465  throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid range list string." );
466  }
467  auto const b = get_number( rng[0] );
468  auto const e = get_number( rng[1] );
469  for( size_t i = b; i <= e; ++i ) {
470  result.push_back( i );
471  }
472  }
473  }
475  std::sort( result.begin(), result.end() );
476  return result;
477 }
479 // =================================================================================================
480 // Manipulate
481 // =================================================================================================
483 std::string wrap(
484  std::string const& text,
485  size_t line_length
486 ) {
487  /*
488  Code is adapted from https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#C.2B.2B,
489  which is published under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2,
490  see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.html
491  We fixed the handling of overly long words,
492  and added correct handling of new lines in the text.
493  It is totally inefficient, but we only need this function for small texts anyway,
494  so for now, this is good enough.
495  */
497  std::ostringstream output;
498  auto const lines = split( text, "\n", false );
499  for( auto const& line : lines ) {
500  std::istringstream text_stream( line );
501  std::string word;
503  if( text_stream >> word ) {
504  output << word;
505  long space_left = static_cast<long>( line_length ) - static_cast<long>( word.length() );
506  while( text_stream >> word ) {
507  if( space_left < static_cast<long>( word.length() + 1 )) {
508  output << "\n" << word;
509  space_left = line_length - word.length();
510  } else {
511  output << " " << word;
512  space_left -= word.length() + 1;
513  }
514  }
515  }
516  output << "\n";
517  }
519  return output.str();
520 }
522 std::string indent(
523  std::string const& text,
524  std::string const& indentation
525 ) {
526  auto ret = indentation + replace_all( text, "\n", "\n" + indentation );
527  return trim_right( ret, indentation );
528 }
530 std::string replace_all (
531  std::string const& text, std::string const& search, std::string const& replace
532 ) {
533  std::string tmp = text;
534  for (size_t pos = 0; ; pos += replace.length()) {
535  pos = tmp.find(search, pos);
537  if (pos == std::string::npos){
538  break;
539  }
541  tmp.erase(pos, search.length());
542  tmp.insert(pos, replace);
543  }
544  return tmp;
545 }
547 // inline version
548 /*
549 void replace_all(
550  std::string &s, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace
551 ) {
552  for (size_t pos = 0; ; pos += replace.length() ) {
553  pos = s.find(search, pos);
555  if (pos == string::npos)
556  break;
558  s.erase(pos, search.length());
559  s.insert(pos, replace);
560  }
561 }
562 */
564 std::string replace_all_chars (
565  std::string const& text,
566  std::string const& search_chars,
567  char replace
568 ) {
569  auto result = text;
570  for( auto& c : result ) {
571  if( search_chars.find( c ) != std::string::npos ) {
572  c = replace;
573  }
574  }
575  return result;
576 }
578 std::string trim_right (
579  std::string const& s,
580  std::string const& delimiters
581 ) {
582  auto const pos = s.find_last_not_of(delimiters);
583  if( std::string::npos == pos ) {
584  return "";
585  } else {
586  return s.substr( 0, pos + 1 );
587  }
588 }
590 std::string trim_left (
591  std::string const& s,
592  std::string const& delimiters
593 ) {
594  auto const pos = s.find_first_not_of(delimiters);
595  if( std::string::npos == pos ) {
596  return "";
597  } else {
598  return s.substr(pos);
599  }
600 }
602 std::string trim (
603  std::string const& s,
604  std::string const& delimiters
605 ) {
606  return trim_left(trim_right(s, delimiters), delimiters);
607 }
609 // =================================================================================================
610 // Case Conversion
611 // =================================================================================================
613 #ifdef GENESIS_AVX
615 inline void toggle_case_ascii_inplace_avx_( std::string& str, char char_a, char char_z )
616 {
617  // We use AVX2 here, which uses 256bit = 32byte. Hence, we move through the string in strides
618  // of 32. Concidentally, the ASCII marker for "upper/lower case" also has the value 32 (0x20),
619  // which might lead to confusion when reading the following code. Be warned.
621  // Fill val_32 with 32x 0x20=32
622  auto static const val_32 = _mm256_set1_epi8( 0x20 );
624  // Fill mask_a with 32x 'a/A', mask_z with 32x 'z/Z'
625  auto const mask_a = _mm256_set1_epi8( char_a );
626  auto const mask_z = _mm256_set1_epi8( char_z );
628  // Loop in increments of 32, which is the AVX vector size in bytes.
629  for( size_t i = 0; i < str.size() / 32 * 32; i += 32 ) {
630  auto reg = _mm256_loadu_si256( reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>( &str[i] ) );
632  // mask_az contains 0x00 where the character is between 'a/A' and 'z/Z', 0xff otherwise.
633  auto mask_az = _mm256_or_si256( _mm256_cmpgt_epi8( mask_a, reg ), _mm256_cmpgt_epi8( reg, mask_z ) );
635  // Toggle the upper/lower char bit (0x20), 1 means lower case, 0 means upper case.
636  reg = _mm256_xor_si256( _mm256_andnot_si256( mask_az, val_32 ), reg );
638  _mm256_storeu_si256( reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>( &str[i] ), reg );
639  }
641  // Convert the rest that remains by toggling the upper/lower case bit.
642  for( size_t i = str.size() / 32 * 32; i < str.size(); ++i ) {
643  if( char_a <= str[i] && str[i] <= char_z ){
644  str[i] ^= 0x20;
645  }
646  }
647 }
649 #endif // GENESIS_AVX
651 void to_lower_ascii_inplace( std::string& str )
652 {
653  #ifdef GENESIS_AVX
655  // Toggle the ascii case bit for all values between the two mask boundaries.
656  toggle_case_ascii_inplace_avx_( str, 'A', 'Z' );
658  #else // GENESIS_AVX
660  // Naive implementation that might use compiler-generated vector intrinsics.
661  for( auto& c : str ){
662  c = to_lower(c);
663  }
665  #endif // GENESIS_AVX
666 }
668 std::string to_lower_ascii( std::string const& str )
669 {
670  auto res = str;
671  to_lower_ascii_inplace( res );
672  return res;
673 }
675 void to_upper_ascii_inplace( std::string& str )
676 {
677  #ifdef GENESIS_AVX
679  // Toggle the ascii case bit for all values between the two mask boundaries.
680  toggle_case_ascii_inplace_avx_( str, 'a', 'z' );
682  #else // GENESIS_AVX
684  // Naive implementation that might use compiler-generated vector intrinsics.
685  for( auto& c : str ){
686  c = to_upper(c);
687  }
689  #endif // GENESIS_AVX
690 }
692 std::string to_upper_ascii( std::string const& str )
693 {
694  auto res = str;
695  to_upper_ascii_inplace( res );
696  return res;
697 }
699 // =================================================================================================
700 // Normalize
701 // =================================================================================================
703 std::string escape( std::string const& text )
704 {
705  // This is slow-ish, because the string is iterated multiple times. Could be done faster.
706  std::string tmp;
707  tmp = replace_all( text, "\r", "\\r" );
708  tmp = replace_all( tmp, "\n", "\\n" );
709  tmp = replace_all( tmp, "\t", "\\t" );
710  tmp = replace_all( tmp, "\"", "\\\"" );
711  tmp = replace_all( tmp, "\\", "\\\\" );
712  return tmp;
713 }
715 std::string deescape( std::string const& text )
716 {
717  // Prepare a string that might be a bit too big, but saves reallocation.
718  std::string tmp;
719  tmp.reserve( text.size() );
721  // Copy from text to tmp string, while deescaping.
722  for( size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i ) {
723  if( text[ i ] == '\\' ) {
724  if( i + 1 >= text.size() ){
725  break;
726  }
728  tmp += deescape( text[ i + 1 ] );
729  ++i;
730  } else {
731  tmp += text[ i ];
732  }
733  }
734  return tmp;
735 }
737 char deescape( char c )
738 {
739  switch( c ) {
740  case 'r' :
741  return '\r';
743  case 'n' :
744  return '\n';
746  case 't' :
747  return '\t';
749  default :
750  return c;
751  }
752 }
754 // =================================================================================================
755 // Output
756 // =================================================================================================
758 std::string repeat( std::string const& word, size_t times )
759 {
760  // Init and avoid repeated reallocation.
761  std::string result;
762  result.reserve( times * word.length() );
764  // Concat repeats.
765  for( size_t i = 0; i < times; ++i ) {
766  result += word;
767  }
768  return result;
769 }
771 std::string to_string_leading_zeros( size_t value, size_t length )
772 {
773  std::stringstream ss;
774  ss << std::setw( length ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << value;
775  return ss.str();
776 }
778 std::string to_string_precise( double const value, int const precision )
779 {
780  // Simple and straight forward.
781  std::ostringstream s;
782  s << std::fixed << std::setprecision( precision ) << value;
783  return s.str();
784 }
786 std::string to_string_rounded( double const value, int const precision )
787 {
788  // Get fixed precision string.
789  std::ostringstream s;
790  s << std::fixed << std::setprecision( precision ) << value;
791  auto str = s.str();
793  // Truncate trailing zeros, unless there are only zeros after the decimal point. Then, also
794  // delete the decimal point.
795  size_t offset = 1;
796  size_t const last_nonzero = str.find_last_not_of('0');
797  if( str[ last_nonzero ] == '.' ) {
798  offset = 0;
799  }
800  str.erase( last_nonzero + offset, std::string::npos );
801  return str;
802 }
804 } // namespace utils
805 } // namespace genesis
std::string deescape(std::string const &text)
Return a string where backslash-escaped characters are transformed into their respective string form.
Definition: string.cpp:715
std::string indent(std::string const &text, std::string const &indentation)
Indent each line of text with indentation and return the result.
Definition: string.cpp:522
std::string trim_right(std::string const &s, std::string const &delimiters)
Return a copy of the input string, with left trimmed white spaces.
Definition: string.cpp:578
std::string tail(std::string const &text, size_t lines)
Return the last lines of the text.
Definition: string.cpp:316
void to_upper_ascii_inplace(std::string &str)
Turn the given string to all-uppercase, ASCII-only, inline.
Definition: string.cpp:675
bool equals_ci(std::string const &lhs, std::string const &rhs)
Compare two strings case insensitive.
Definition: string.cpp:67
std::string replace_all(std::string const &text, std::string const &search, std::string const &replace)
Return a copy of a string, where all occurrences of a search string are replaced by a replace string.
Definition: string.cpp:530
bool contains_ci(std::vector< std::string > const &haystack, std::string const &needle)
Return whether a vector of strings contains a given string, case insensitive.
Definition: string.cpp:56
std::string to_string_rounded(double const value, int const precision)
Return a string representation of the input value, using the provided precision value (determining it...
Definition: string.cpp:786
double length(Tree const &tree)
Get the length of the tree, i.e., the sum of all branch lengths.
Definition: tree/common_tree/functions.cpp:160
std::string trim(std::string const &s, std::string const &delimiters)
Return a copy of the input string, with trimmed white spaces.
Definition: string.cpp:602
void to_lower_ascii_inplace(std::string &str)
Turn the given string to all-lowercase, ASCII-only.
Definition: string.cpp:651
std::string replace_all_chars(std::string const &text, std::string const &search_chars, char replace)
Replace all occurrences of the search_chars in text by the replace char.
Definition: string.cpp:564
std::string to_string_leading_zeros(size_t value, size_t length)
Return a string representation of a size_t value with a fixed length, that is, by adding leading zero...
Definition: string.cpp:771
void offset(Histogram &h, double value)
Definition: operations.cpp:47
std::string to_string_precise(double const value, int const precision)
Return a precise string representation of the input value, using the provided precision value (determ...
Definition: string.cpp:778
bool equal(Tree const &lhs, Tree const &rhs, std::function< bool(TreeNode const &, TreeNode const &) > node_comparator, std::function< bool(TreeEdge const &, TreeEdge const &) > edge_comparator)
Compare two trees for equality given binary comparator functionals for their nodes and edges.
Definition: tree/function/operators.cpp:81
constexpr char to_upper(char c) noexcept
Return the upper case version of a letter, ASCII-only.
Definition: char.hpp:230
Provides some commonly used string utility functions.
std::string head(std::string const &text, size_t lines)
Return the first lines of the text.
Definition: string.cpp:307
bool starts_with(std::string const &text, std::string const &start)
Return whether a string starts with another string.
Definition: string.cpp:81
int compare_natural(std::string const &lhs, std::string const &rhs)
Compare two strings with natural human sorting, that is "A1", "A2", "A100", instead of the standard s...
Definition: string.cpp:152
std::string to_upper_ascii(std::string const &str)
Return an all-uppercase copy of the given string, ASCII-only.
Definition: string.cpp:692
Interval< DataType, NumericalType, IntervalKind > join(Interval< DataType, NumericalType, IntervalKind > const &a, Interval< DataType, NumericalType, IntervalKind > const &b)
Creates a new Interval that contains both intervals and whatever is between.
Definition: utils/containers/interval_tree/functions.hpp:127
Container namespace for all symbols of genesis in order to keep them separate when used as a library.
Definition: placement/formats/edge_color.cpp:42
bool ends_with(std::string const &text, std::string const &ending)
Return whether a string ends with another string.
Definition: string.cpp:89
constexpr bool is_digit(char c) noexcept
Return whether a char is a digit (0-9), ASCII-only.
Definition: char.hpp:95
std::string to_lower_ascii(std::string const &str)
Return an all-lowercase copy of the given string, ASCII-only.
Definition: string.cpp:668
std::string repeat(std::string const &word, size_t times)
Take a string and repeat it a given number of times.
Definition: string.cpp:758
std::string wrap(std::string const &text, size_t line_length)
Wrap a text at a given line_length.
Definition: string.cpp:483
std::vector< std::string > split_at(std::string const &str, std::string const &delimiter, const bool trim_empty)
Spilt a string into parts, given a delimiter string.
Definition: string.cpp:424
constexpr char to_lower(char c) noexcept
Return the lower case version of a letter, ASCII-only.
Definition: char.hpp:221
bool match_wildcards(std::string const &str, std::string const &pattern)
Return whether a string is matched by a wildcard pattern containing ? and * for single and mutliple (...
Definition: string.cpp:97
static std::vector< std::string > split_(std::string const &string, std::function< size_t(std::string const &, size_t)> find_pos, size_t advance_by, const bool trim_empty)
Local function that does the work for the split cuntions.
Definition: string.cpp:350
std::string trim_left(std::string const &s, std::string const &delimiters)
Return a copy of the input string, with right trimmed white spaces.
Definition: string.cpp:590
size_t count_substring_occurrences(std::string const &str, std::string const &sub)
Return the number of (possibly overlapping) occurrences of a substring in a string.
Definition: string.cpp:329
std::vector< size_t > split_range_list(std::string const &str)
Split a string containing positive interger numbers into its parts and resolve ranges.
Definition: string.cpp:439
std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &str, std::string const &delimiters, const bool trim_empty)
Spilt a string into parts, given a delimiters set of chars.
Definition: string.cpp:386
std::string escape(std::string const &text)
Return a string where special chars are replaces by their escape sequence.
Definition: string.cpp:703