A single locus, that is, a position (or coordinate) on a chromosome.
For our purposes here, we define a locus to be one position (1-based) on one chromosome exactly.
When working with multiple loci, we here often expect their chromosome names to be sorted in lexicographical order. Hence, for example, when comparing two loci on different chromosomes, we also take the ordering of their chromosome names into account.
There are some special cases:
- We use an empty chromosome with position 0 to denote an empty(), unspecified locus.
- A non-empty chromosome with position 0 means "any position" on the chromosome; this is however not considered to be a specified() locus.
- An empty chromosome with a position other than 0 is an invalid state, and will throw.
- See also
- GenomeLocusSet
Definition at line 64 of file genome_locus.hpp.