void | filter_max_sequence_length (SequenceSet &set, size_t max_length) |
| Remove all Sequences from the SequenceSet whose length is above the given max_length . More...
void | filter_min_max_sequence_length (SequenceSet &set, size_t min_length, size_t max_length) |
| Remove all Sequences from the SequenceSet whose length is not inbetween the min_length and max_length . More...
void | filter_min_sequence_length (SequenceSet &set, size_t min_length) |
| Remove all Sequences from the SequenceSet whose length is below the given min_length . More...
utils::Bitvector | find_sites (Sequence const &seq, std::string const &chars) |
| Find sites by character and mark them in a Bitvector. More...
utils::Bitvector | find_sites (Sequence const &seq, utils::CharLookup< bool > const &chars) |
| Find sites by character and mark them in a Bitvector. More...
utils::Bitvector | gap_sites (Sequence const &seq, std::string const &gap_chars=nucleic_acid_codes_undetermined()) |
| Return a Bitvector that is true where the Sequence has a gap and false where not. More...
utils::Bitvector | gap_sites (SequenceSet const &set, std::string const &gap_chars=nucleic_acid_codes_undetermined()) |
| Return a Bitvector that is true where all Sequences in the SequenceSet have a gap and false where not, that is, where at least on Sequence is not a gap. More...
bool | is_alignment (SequenceSet const &set) |
| Return true iff all Sequences in the SequenceSet have the same length. More...
size_t | longest_sequence_length (SequenceSet const &set) |
| Return the length of the longest Sequence in the SequenceSet. More...
void | merge_duplicate_sequences (SequenceSet &set, MergeDuplicateSequencesCountPolicy count_policy=MergeDuplicateSequencesCountPolicy::kDiscard, std::string const &counter_prefix="_") |
| Merge all Sequences in a SequenceSet that have identical sites. More...
void | normalize_amino_acid_codes (Sequence &sequence, bool accept_degenerated=true) |
| Call normalize_amino_acid_code() for each site of the Sequence. More...
void | normalize_amino_acid_codes (SequenceSet &sequence_set, bool accept_degenerated=true) |
| Call normalize_amino_acid_code() for each site of all Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
void | normalize_nucleic_acid_codes (Sequence &sequence, bool accept_degenerated=true) |
| Call normalize_nucleic_acid_code() for each site of the Sequence. More...
void | normalize_nucleic_acid_codes (SequenceSet &sequence_set, bool accept_degenerated=true) |
| Call normalize_nucleic_acid_code() for each site of all Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Sequence const &seq) |
| Print a Sequence to an ostream in the form "label: sites". More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, SequenceSet const &set) |
| Print a SequenceSet to an ostream in the form "label: sites". More...
void | remove_all_gaps (Sequence &seq, std::string const &gap_chars=nucleic_acid_codes_undetermined()) |
| Remove all gap characters from the sites of the Sequence. More...
void | remove_all_gaps (SequenceSet &set, std::string const &gap_chars=nucleic_acid_codes_undetermined()) |
| Remove all gap characters from the sites of the Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
void | remove_characters (Sequence &seq, std::string const &search) |
| Remove all of the characters in search from the sites of the Sequence. More...
void | remove_characters (SequenceSet &set, std::string const &search) |
| Remove all of the characters in search from the sites of the Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
void | remove_gap_sites (SequenceSet &set, std::string const &gap_chars=nucleic_acid_codes_undetermined()) |
| Remove all sites that only contain gap characters from the SequenceSet. More...
void | remove_sites (Sequence &seq, utils::Bitvector sites) |
| Remove all sites from a Sequence where the given Bitvector is true , and keep all others. More...
void | remove_sites (SequenceSet &set, utils::Bitvector sites) |
| Remove all sites from all Sequences in a SequenceSet where the given Bitvector is true , and keep all others. More...
void | replace_characters (Sequence &seq, std::string const &search, char replacement) |
| Replace all occurences of the chars in search by the replace char, for all sites in the given Sequence. More...
void | replace_characters (SequenceSet &set, std::string const &search, char replacement) |
| Replace all occurences of the chars in search by the replace char, for all sites in the Sequences in the given SequenceSet. More...
void | replace_t_with_u (Sequence &seq) |
| Replace all occurrences of T by U in the sites of the Sequence. More...
void | replace_t_with_u (SequenceSet &set) |
| Replace all occurrences of T by U in the sites of all Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
void | replace_u_with_t (Sequence &seq) |
| Replace all occurrences of U by T in the sites of the Sequence. More...
void | replace_u_with_t (SequenceSet &set) |
| Replace all occurrences of U by T in the sites of all Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
size_t | total_length (SequenceSet const &set) |
| Return the total length (sum) of all Sequences in the SequenceSet. More...
bool | validate_chars (SequenceSet const &set, std::string const &chars) |
| Returns true iff all Sequences only consist of the given chars . More...